
Testimony: Two Survivors Call Hotline Number After Houston Intervention

Every month Elijah Rising hosts Interventions throughout Houston and surrounding counties. During Intervention, volunteers go out in teams to provide the hotline number to women trapped in exploitation.

We only have a few precious minutes to spend with the women we encounter on Intervention, and it can often take years for women to make the decision to leave the sex industry. However, we have been praying for more breakthrough and expecting in faith for Interventions to see more women exit sexual exploitation.

We are excited to share this testimony because it is a powerful reminder. If we will be faithful to show up in the darkest places, God’s light will eventually breakthrough! We keep going into massage parlors, cantinas, strip clubs, and the streets because you never know what can happen!

Two trafficked sisters were supposed to be in Houston for two days on the Bissonnet track. While on the streets they found the Rescue Houston hotline number on a card on the floor of Burger King! They called the hotline, and were exited to a safe place! Our street team volunteers from Houston Intervention distributed those cards on Bissonnet 2 weeks ago!

Rescue Houston had a total of 7 exits in the past 12 hours. A couple of weeks ago when Rescue Houston reported 5 exits in 24 hours, we prayed during staff prayer for the Lord to double that number! Praise God for bringing breakthrough!

To join an upcoming Intervention click here to visit our online volunteer portal »

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