The right age to begin warning a child about pornography is when they have any access to the internet, including video games, apps, e-readers and anything else connected to the internet. No kid deserves to face the porn industry alone.
Read MoreKids don’t even need to be looking for porn—it is programmed to find them. With this in mind, here are four tips for thinking about when and how we can talk with our kids about pornography.
Read MoreEvery phase is a timeframe in a kid’s life when you can leverage distinct opportunities to influence their future. During each phase, there are critical conversations each child needs to have: Technological Responsibility, Sexual Integrity, Faith, and Health.
Read MoreWhile external influences are inevitable, remaining steadfast in your principles and making choices that resonate with your values are essential for authentic development and well-being. As parents develop a plan for responding to a child’s exposure to pornography, determining family values can help shape the framework.
Read MoreTrafficked individuals are often exploited in more than one way. Some traffickers take pornographic photos of victims as a means of control, threatening to shame them by exposing the photos to their families. Traffickers then sell the content by uploading it to porn sites while simultaneously exploiting the victims through prostitution.
Read MoreEveryone is aware of the growing use and fast growing advancement of artificial intelligence. In this episode we look at the role of technology in increasing demand for sex trafficking and how we can look into the future to prepare how we can protect our homes from the coming wave of perversion through technology.
Read MoreWe begin by discussing the reasons behind men buying sex and the misconceptions that surround the issue. We then discuss the approach that Demand Disruption takes to address the demand for sex trafficking, which includes education and outreach to men in various settings.
Throughout the episode, we touch on the complexities of the issue and the need for a comprehensive approach that includes legal and policy changes, as well as societal and cultural shifts.
Read MoreWe are simultaneously “fighting” assault while romanticizing and normalizing it.
In fact, there is a sentiment echoing throughout our culture that porn is somehow empowering for women. But just a quick visit to Pornhub proves otherwise, as video after video depicts violence and abuse aimed primarily at women.
Read MoreWithin literal seconds, the first video I see is a 20 year old girl with every filter possible biting her lip while lip-syncing to lyrics so profane and vulgar I can’t even post them here.
Read MoreObjectification is prevalent across magazines, television, and movies, so perhaps it’s no surprise that it would end up in video games. However, video games differ from other media: they are active rather than passive.
Read MoreHow does recruitment take place? Here are some typical patterns and procedures on social media:
I often say, “No child deserves to face the porn industry alone!” But what exactly is the porn industry. And what should you know about it?
Read MoreAs critical consumers of media, we have begun to critique racism in just about every media format—movies, Twitter and Facebook feeds, and even children’s programming. But what about racism in porn?
Read MoreSo I was probably one of most normal Americans, who when it came specifically to the issue of human trafficking or maybe even more specifically sex trafficking, that my understanding was that it happens in those exotic countries…over there-like India.
Read MoreFirst, check out these stats to understand the scope of the situation:
According to a Common Sense Media report:
As parents, it’s helpful to remember that young kids are still learning to navigate a very confusing world. They don’t know all the rules yet. They don’t know how to respond to the many new situations they face. Especially ones in their online neighborhood that are embarrassing and troubling (and potentially dangerous).
Read MoreHow explicit were these books—and others at the center of the nationwide “book banning” controversy? Put yourself on the review committee and you be the judge. Here are three of the books Forsyth reviewed, with relevant excerpts.
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