
Combating Sex Trafficking by Reaching Men Who Buy Sex – Interview w/ Joe Madison, Demand Disruption – Ep. 62

Welcome to this episode of our podcast, where we delve into the topic of Sex trafficking and the men who buy sex, and explore ways to reach out to these men. Our guest today is Joe Madison, the Executive Director of a non-profit organization called Demand Disruption.

Demand Disruption fights the demand for sex trafficking by eliminating buyer motivation and reducing access to the exploited.

We begin by discussing the reasons behind men buying sex and the misconceptions that surround the issue. We then discuss the approach that Demand Disruption takes to address the demand for sex trafficking, which includes education and outreach to men in various settings.

Throughout the episode, we touch on the complexities of the issue and the need for a comprehensive approach that includes legal and policy changes, as well as societal and cultural shifts. We end by discussing ways that individuals can get involved and support organizations like Demand Disruption in their efforts to disrupt the demand for sex trafficking.

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Audio Version

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