

Elijah Rising

Bissonnet Street Intervention

It was the Friday before Christmas, the last Fourth Friday Intervention of the year. It was 6:00 pm as we were preparing to go out to the brothels, cantinas, and Bissonnet Street. Suddenly, the weather dropped to a freezing temperature in the 30’s. The women being prostituted on Bissonnet were completely caught off guard by...
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Righteous Masculinity – Part 2

There is, without question, a tsunami of perversion sweeping through our society.  The facts supporting this statement are for another post which I will gladly and hopefully soon write.  This wave of absolute perversion is carried upon a current of misogyny and sexism which is beneath the dignity of the species called man, and certainly...
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Righteous Masculinity – Part 1

I have the incredible privilege to be part of a family in which virtually all are believers.  We have different flavors and personalities and expressions, but our hearts all can agree on behalf of the pursuit of Christ and that is a beautiful thing.  During no other time have I been more aware of the...
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Shepherding vs. Sheltering

We know that one large reason people back away from our ministry is because they fear for their family’s safety and their children’s innocence (makes sense). Sex trafficking isn’t necessarily a picture that you want to paint for your children’s view of the world. It is important to know that the fight against injustice and...
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