
An Update on Our Executive Director, Micah Gamboa

On Sunday the 18th of November, Micah Gamboa the Executive Director of Elijah Rising collapsed right before she began to speak onstage at Celebration Church of the Woodlands. It was determined that Micah had suffered a cardiac arrest. Two medical professionals in the congregation were able to perform successful CPR as paramedics arrived. Thanks to these medical professionals, Micah was given a chance to survive. Micah arrived at the hospital alive (which is only a 4% probability.) She was placed in a medically induced coma and life support for two days to help her body recover from the incident.

Miraculously after only two days, Micah was able to be removed from life support, and the induced coma. Her doctors were continually amazed as multiple tests on her body and brain proved to return normal as no lasting effects were left to Micah body. Micah received a defibrillator in her heart (to prevent future incidents) before returning home on Saturday the 24th.

This entire ordeal has been a testament to Gods Faithfulness and covering over the Gamboa Family. If Micah had not been at the Church and received CPR, she would not have had the chance to make it to a nearby hospital. Her recovery has been a string of absolute miracles leaving her entire medical team stunned.

Celebration Church of the Woodlands and Pastor Frankie Mazzapica has been an amazing ally in this entire ordeal. You can watch a special service about the incident here: click to watch. The day that Micah was intended to speak at their church, they had a goal of raising $10,000. They have since raised $52,621 for homes at Kendleton Farms fulfilling a wishlist of needs ranging from HVAC installs to paved driveways.

We want to thank every one of you that prayed fervently for Micah’s recovery. We believe that God has heard our prayers and covered Micah, her family and Elijah Rising through this whole ordeal.

If you are interested in assisting Micah’s Family with their medical bills there has been a GoFundMe page created: Click here. Please continue to pray and for Micah and our staff as we support her in her full recovery.

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