
2021 November Update | Intervention

About Intervention

Elijah Rising trains and mobilizes volunteer teams to reach out to men and women who are trapped in commercial sexual exploitation. Teams focus on going to the streets where prostitution is common, illicit massage businesses, strip clubs, and hotels. We bring gifts and other physical needs, as well as minister to men and women in prayer. One of the most important resources we bring is an exit hotline number. We never force anyone to leave a situation they don’t want to, but we do make sure they know there is community of people that care about them and there are options if they would like to leave the sex industry.

Reaching Out To Men

Our interventions not only focus on reaching women in prostitution, but we also reach out to men who are buying sex and those who are traffickers. The past few weeks we have been able to pray with numerous men who were driving down the track to buy sex. One man said he didn’t even know why our team was there, but there was a pull on his heart to drive up to our team as he saw other cars lined up.

Another man pulled up in his car and asked us for prayer. As our team began to pray with him, he teared up and began to confess, “I want to change and make better decisions.” Our team prayed with him until he decided that he wanted to surrender his life to Jesus. Our team was able to minister to him and connect him to a local church, and he said he was going to go.

That night we had two other powerful encounters with men which led to them having a change of heart and making a decision to surrender their lives to Jesus. One man even reached out to us the following day, and has been continuously reaching out to us because he wants change. Join us in intercession for both the men and women that we serve, and for a transformation to come to Bissonnet street.

Partner with Elijah Rising

Support the mission to end sex trafficking by making a donation. Every dollar helps us reach women and men trapped in commercial sexual exploitation and supports 24/7 care for women recovering from trafficking.

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