
How Donated Vehicles Empower Survivors of Human Trafficking – Ep. 76

How is 3in1 Mechanical Ministries filling the gap of transportation for overcomers of trafficking?

In our work with women in Restorative Care, we have found that once they complete our program and have jobs and housing, we always still have the missing piece of transportation. In order to help our graduates be set up for success, they need a reliable way to get to and from work. Otherwise, they immediately find themselves in a vulnerable situation again.

That’s where 3in1 Mechanical ministries comes in. Ross Peters, their Founder and CEO, shares with us how his lifelong love of cars transformed into a nonprofit that gives away cars to people in need.

Ross also discusses:

  • The lack of transportation-related nonprofits not just in Houston, but all of the United States
  • The importance of providing reliable vehicles and follow-up care for clients
  • The amazing ways God opened doors to create this new nonprofit and some of the success stories they’ve seen

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