
Filming The Monologues For The Elijah Rising Virtual Gala

As you know, COVID caused us to change our in-person gala to virtual this year. This presented many challenges but we decided to continue with what we had planned for the year.

Instead of gathering at A.D. Players Theater, we had this idea to bring the theater to people’s homes. So we worked with a team of actors, director Alice M. Gatling, the A.D. Players stage crew, and a small film team to capture the monologues in a cinematic way.

Real stories from Elijah Rising’s work influenced the monologues, and we did our best to retell those stories. Sex trafficking deals with a lot of darkness and evil, but we wanted to emphasize hope. The monologues tell stories of miracles, restoration, and life change.

Filming The Monologues

We spent an entire day from 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM filming the monologues. For many of the actors, this was the first time, since the pandemic began, that they have been back on a stage. It was rewarding to see their passion reignited in this project.

Before each filming, we spent time sharing the real stories with the actors. Hearing the true stories allowed them to build a connection with the characters and helped them tap into a deeper emotion. In total, we filmed 8 monologues and a bunch of behind the scenes footage.

The Goal of The Monologues

The annual gala is one of the biggest fundraisers for Elijah Rising, but it’s also a celebration of the work God has done through our ministry. We wanted the monologues to share the testimonies and bring the viewer into the experience. This year is going to be truly unique! We hope you will join us in supporting our ongoing work of combatting trafficking and empowering women to walk in healing.

Event Details

You can buy an individual ticket or an access pack. The access packs are essentially “virtual tables.” When you buy an access pack, we’ll provide everything you need to host a viewing in your home. Invite several of your close friends and family. We will hand-deliver a basket filled with wine, charcuterie board, and goods from the Elijah Rising Store.

We hope you’ll join us on Saturday, October 17th at 7:00 PM. The event will be live-streamed on YouTube.

Watch The Trailer

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